inkshark dot net

You caught me in the middle of a website revamp, so all the really fun stuff is hiding at the moment. Don't worry, though! The basics are still here:

bio & contact | illustration | editing | writing | beloved idiots

bio & contact

Cory Skerry (inkshark) is a rampantly queer creator and editor who lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest U.S, where he writes impossible things and paints what he shouldn't. When his current meatshell begins to decay, he'd like science to put his brain into a giant killer octopus body, with which he promises to be very responsible and not even slightly shipwrecky. Pinky swear.

You can email me at or check me out at Mastodon | Cara | Patreon (mine is free to join). I have other social media but it is dormant at the moment while i* revamp my site :)

*I intentionally don't capitalize my mid-sentence pronouns; it's an ugly conceit of the English language and i refuse to participate.


I'm obsessed with monsters and animal hybrids, nature reclaiming human structures, witchy looking stuff, and eerie yet serene landscapes. My superpower is being able to mimic other art styles; my weakness is making art that is recognizably mine. I'm working on it!

Here are a few favorites. Click/tap for a bigger version in a new window:

You can find more on my social media, in the "bio & contact" section.

I also completed a graphic novel in 2017 called No Keys, which you can purchase here or read for free online here. It's about four friends searching for a house and each place is impossibly worse than the last.


I have fifteen years of experience as a professional "book cheerleader." The majority of my work happens at the intersection between developmental editing and manuscript assessments. I'm best suited to upmarket and commercial fiction.

My goal in editing is to hunt for hidden opportunities that the author left for themselves without even realizing it, and analyze how they can use those secret tools to connect more strongly with their readers. Your subconscious knows what it's doing! I'm dedicated to preserving the author's vision and voice--i rarely advise murdering your darlings when you could cast new light on them instead.

My authors usually respond to their editorial letters with some variation of "I can't wait to work on this again!", and i am SO PROUD OF THAT! I'm also delighted that they've won a variety of awards and some chose to sign with reputable agents or deserving publishers.

I charge in the mid-range developmental editing rates reported to the EFA, but i also work faster than the average, which often results in lower fees. If it sounds like you might want to work with me, you can contact me at


Here's an abridged bibliography--these are just the stories i've sold that are free to read online. Enjoy:

Twin brothers deal with a sordid family secret

A tame vampire meets a wild one

Breathless in the Deep
A pearl diver discovers deadly treasures and deadlier secrets

Empress in Glass | listen
A wealthy pop artist pushes the limits of bodily autonomy

Midnight at the Feet of the Caryatids
Ghosts aren't the worst things haunting this bizarre boarding school

My Dignity in Scars | listen
A demon grows inside of a young human father

Sinking Among Lilies
A mercenary tries to save a town that doesn't want to be saved

Sooner Than Gold | listen
A flamboyant young man in trouble gets into worse trouble

The World is Cruel, My Daughter | listen
Who among us is a perfect parent?

beloved idiots

I don't blame you for skipping the rest of this page and coming straight to the pet tax.

© Cory Skerry / inkshark 2025. All rights reserved. Do not alter, duplicate, or redistribute the content on this page, including but not limited to purposes of machine learning. Please email to discuss rights or permissions.