impossible things

if i have to endure my overactive imagination, then so shall you

Ho, here there be monsters! My stories also often concern liminality, rare friendships, young people rejecting expectations, flawed parents doing their best, and queer people surviving & thriving. If i didn’t tell you outright there were pirates and witches and shit, i almost sound like an adult. 

My work has been favorably reviewed by Publisher’s Weekly, Locus, and other publications, and if you check out the “free to read” column, you can end up with an opinion, too!

free to read

open-access online publications

Twin brothers deal with a sordid family secret

A tame vampire meets a wild one

Breathless in the Deep
A pearl diver discovers deadly treasures and deadlier secrets

Empress in Glass | listen
A wealthy pop artist pushes the limits of bodily autonomy

Midnight at the Feet of the Caryatids
Ghosts aren’t the worst things haunting this bizarre boarding school

My Dignity in Scars | listen
A demon grows inside of a young human father

Sinking Among Lilies
A mercenary tries to save a town that doesn’t want to be saved

Sooner Than Gold | listen
A flamboyant young man in trouble gets into worse trouble

The World is Cruel, My Daughter | listen
Who among us is a perfect parent?


anthologies | magazines | ancient clay tablets

Empress in Glass | Clarkesworld | May 2019

“Her blood filled her veins so tightly that she could see them flex with each heartbeat. This was the drumline for her every performance.”

Antumbra  | Shimmer Magazine | March 2018

“Your social media accounts are ripe with followers, but it’s just the wretched evidence of how many times you bonded long enough for them to feel bad deleting you. Thousands of ghosts of the friendships that never were.”

Stepping on Sand and Gods |  Outliers of Speculative Fiction | November 2015

A young mother seeks a fading heritage consumed by human monsters, but will tangible monsters consume her child?

Bloodless  | Beneath Ceaseless Skies | October 2015

“Kamouk had held her hands in his when they pried her teeth out of her jaw; the procedure had to be performed while she was still alive, or the wolf’s teeth wouldn’t take.”

Castle of Masks | Once Upon A Time: New Fairy Tales (Prime Books) | September 2013

“It wasn’t difficult for Justus to take the place of the yearly sacrifice.”

Sooner Than Gold | Glitter & Mayhem (Apex Books) | August 2013

“I tug on clean underwear in case I get arrested, paint my makeup perfectly because there’s nothing sadder than a grown man in badly applied eyeliner, and climb out my apartment window…”

  • Podcast in Glittership (with transcript), Episode #9
  • Won first place in the Glittership Listeners Poll 2015

Breathless in the Deep | Lightspeed 39 | August 2013

“The tattooist had injected tiny dots of fishy-smelling kraken’s ink into Jantz’s flesh.”

Midnight at the Feet of the Caryatids | Where Thy Dark Eye Glances: Queering Edgar Allan Poe (Lethe Press) | July 2013

“The school and its Towers held many secrets, and Feetmeat reasoned that he didn’t want to know most of them.”

  • Reprinted in Wilde Stories 2014: The Year’s Best Gay Speculative Fiction

Sinking Among Lilies | Beneath Ceaseless Skies | April 2012

“Judging by the skulls roped to the pylons in the estuary, the people here knew how to take care of themselves…”

  • Reprinted in The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy and Horror 2013
  • Included in the 2012 Locus Recommended Reading List

My Dignity in Scars | Strange Horizons | March 2012

“I am never the first to know the demons have returned…”

The World is Cruel, My Daughter | Fantasy Magazine, Issue 53 | August 2011

Who among us is a perfect parent?

  • Reprinted in Witches: Wicked, Wild & Wonderful from Prime Books
  • Included in the 2011 Tangent Online Recommended Reading List
  • Listen to it at PodCastle

Rendered Down | Ideomancer, Volume 10 Issue 2 | June 2011

A big woman who can’t accept her own body is faced with whether or not she can accept someone else’s

no keys

graphic novel (published online & in print, 2019)


A) A haunted house
B) A cheddar igloo
C) A trailer perched on an underground coal fire that’s been smoldering for 50 years
D) Something worse

Mandibles wants a dog. Stub is looking for a spacious kitchen. Moose would be happy with a garage. And Sheridan wants privacy so he can murder people in peace and quiet, without nosy neighbors complaining about the blood and the screaming.

It should be easy enough for these four friends to find a home, but the real estate market is incredibly wretched, and their options are terrible in the most IMPOSSIBLE ways…

get the book for $14

or you can read it for free online (and maybe tip me if i make you laugh!)